Sunday, November 24, 2013

Christmas Smiles

A few years ago one of our customers (John) came into our store around Christmas time asking for left over corks from our sample bottles for a project he was working on. We didn't need them after we opened the bottles so we gave him a bag or so of them. Curiosity prodded us to inquire what his plans were with the corks, as they couldn't be used as bottles stoppers any longer. He explained to us that he was making 'Cork Reindeer' out of them and bringing them to the Children's hospital for the kids too sick to go home for the holiday. It was a moving sentiment, for this elderly man to go to such lengths for people he had never met, he just knew they needed a holiday smile.

This year, us at Cox Creek, wish to continue this joy that he brought. We are making the same reindeer and giving them away to any customers that come in with their kids this Christmas season.

These unique gifts are a reminder the reason of the season, to love and be loved by everyone around you. We hope they put a smile on everyone's face that sees them. Merry Christmas!

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